ONCE YOU SEE THAT TALL, BLACKFIN cut through the waves in front of you, no doubt will remain: This was the best idea EVER. Till then, it’s OK if you are skeptical about the wisdom and hassle of taking your RV to an island—so long as you still go. Nature has its ways of still flooring us as adults. And your trip to San Juan Island, just off the Washington State coast, is an opportunity for the whole family to feel like kids.
Quite frankly, unless you live in Washington State, you’ve probably never done anything like this—ferrying your RV into the Pacific to reach an island circled by killer whales. On the island, there are boat tours with captains that know where to find the pods, but you don’t have to go offshore to see the black fins of orcas cruising around the shorelines. Heck, there are even listening stations where you can hear the whales talk!
The Lime Kiln Point State Park on San Juan Island is one of the top whale-watching spots in the world. (And killer whales are not the only whales you can expect to see.) Go there, but stay overnight at Lakedale.
I Heart Tip
Watch the “Blackfish” documentary before you go—or better yet, “Free Willy”—to get properly hyped for seeing live orcas.