Challenges come in all sizes. There are big ones, like which RV best suites your needs, or detail-oriented ones, like choosing the color temperature of a light fixture in your RV. We’re here today to solve for the latter.
When it comes to lights, there are times when you’ll want a task light and other times when a softer light does the trick from the same spot. But no one said you couldn’t have both there at the same time! SalVinCo’s new Kelvin LED light is a pancake-style, 3-in-1 color temperature light. You can cycle through the lighting options of warm white, neutral white and cool white. Simply press the fixture switch to cycle through and choose the color temperature that sets the mood.
Let’s discuss dimming. The Kelvin has a built-in dimming function with varying levels of light between 280-1020 lumens. The non-volatile memory feature will retain both the last dimmer setting and the color temperature when operated from your fixture switch or a wall switch.
Measuring 11.81” long by 4.65” wide by 1.12” tall, the new pleasantly rounded-edge rectangular Kelvin LED light is perfectly sized to replace older pancake and ceiling lights. And thanks to enhanced technology, the soft white diffusing lens produces light without glare or spots.
The Kelvin LED ceiling light makes it ideally suitable for a variety of interior lighting needs including dining or sitting areas, ceiling lighting, cargo hold lighting, RVs, and horse trailer lighting. Dry locations only.
Installation of the 2-wire, 12-24v dc sturdy plastic Kelvin is easy and hidden mounting hardware is included. Get it from SalVinCo for $85 bucks. Learn more here.