Calling all Roasters!

There’s nothing quite like the thrill of roasting food on a stick. Whether it’s a hot dog radiated to perfection or a marshmallow toasted to optimal gooiness, eating food prepared “the old fashioned way” is a camping tradition that can’t be beat.

My family typically uses a metal roasting stick with two prongs and a wooden handle. Recently, we were introduced to something a bit more innovative. The Marshmallow Mitt™ and the Hotdog Mitt™ are high-temperature, food-safe silicone roasting sticks with no sharp points, designed by a dad for his kids.

The thick silicone on the ends and handles ensure that kids don’t burn their fingers, and both models sit sturdy in hand with no flimsiness. And since they telescope in and out, packing them is a breeze.

Full disclosure: I lost my weenie during my first attempt with the Hotdog Mitt. I substituted a thicker hot dog, and BOOM—roasting paradise and a nice roasted dog that slid out smoothly onto my bun. Just in case, I contacted the manufacturer to let them know what happened, and they assured me that they’ve since narrowed the circumference on the holes so that thinner hot dogs don’t fall out and that the holes are now situated closer together.

My kids loved using them too—especially the Marshmallow Mitt. And it’s easy enough for them to do on their own: simply drop the marshmallow in the slot and roast! The marshmallow doesn’t fall out and toasts up tremendously. Personally, I like mine really gooey, so the removal process left a bit of melty marshmallow behind on the Marshmallow Mitt. Overall, a negligible price to pay for deliciousness and an awesome evening around the fire. (Although I do recommend a light roast when using the Marshmallow Mitt if you prefer to spend less time cleaning).

All in all, both Mitts are excellent fun for an evening of roasting, and they make great gifts for kids. Check them and grab a set at

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