From the pages of I RVing: Spring 2023

A Little Shock-and-Raw

3 easy sides that add a fresh taste of Spring—all while staying in flavor with the meat-eaters.

Crunchy Salad

Finally, a salad for people who don’t like salad.* The Persian cucumbers are the workhorse here, but the bacon is the star that should win over even the most salad-hesitant among us. (We know you by name.) This easy mouth-pleaser only takes about five minutes of prep all-in if you use your morning’s leftover bacon. It can also easily double as a perfect topping for tacos, a burger,  another salad, or anything else that needs a finish of creamy, crunchy goodness.

*Very Important Note: This salad is also for people who like salad.

Don’t bother skinning the cucumbers, as Persian cukes are extremely eatable, skins and all. Just chop up everything, making sure to get the pistachios nice and pulverized, and combine. Dicing the cucumbers makes this much more eatable than slicing, which is easier with Persian cucumbers than the larger American version. Be sure to add a solid salt sprinkle to finish this veggie-heavy salad, or it will fall flat.

I Heart RVing Pro Tip:

If pistachios aren’t your thing, consider a sprinkle of chili powder or a light drizzle of chili oil to kick up the ranch dressing. Substituting your favorite vinaigrette is an OK option too.

TIS THE SEASON FOR FRESHNESS, and in meal prep, it doesn’t get any fresher—or easier—than raw. But here’s the best news: You don’t have to be a leaf-eater to enjoy these unbelievably crisp recipes. All three are action-packed with texture and bursting with incredible flavors that add the perfect sprinkle of Spring to any spread. So try this fresh approach to sides. Whether you slap them on tacos, balance out your burgers, and just nosh them in their natural splendor, that’s up to you.


  • 6 Persian cucumbers, finely diced
  • 3 slices bacon, cooked and finely chopped
  • 1 red pepper, finely chopped
  • ½ cup, chili-roasted pistachios, extra finely chopped (optional)
  • Your favorite ranch dressing Salt and pepper to taste

Classic Caprese

OK, two salads in one In the Galley article is a lot… But this “salad” is 50 percent cheese, so take that into account before sending your hangry letters to the editor. (Although, you know we always love to hear from you at [email protected].) The Caprese salad is really more appetizer than salad, and it couldn’t be more RV-friendly. It’s easily made ahead of time (bonus!), takes zero cooking with almost no prep (double bonus!), and is undeniably delicious (1,000 points for everyone at the table!).

Because the tomatoes and mozz are so unadulterated here, it’s critical to get the best quality you can find. Slice the tomatoes and cheese in roughly equal sizes. Salt and pepper the tomato slices, then place on a plate alternating tomato, cheese, and basil leaves. Drizzle oil and vinegar on top (roughly 3-to-1 parts of oil to vinegar), and give another finish of salt and pepper to taste.I Heart

RVing Pro Tip:

Sneak a thinly sliced piece of salami in between each cheese/tomato combo for an extra tasty adventure (and to please your favorite anti-saladite).


  • 3 ripe heirloom tomatoes
  • 12 oz. fresh mozzarella cheese, thick slices
  • 1 bunch fresh basil leaves
  • High-quality olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Cinnamon Toast Overnight Oats

Not everybody is an oats person—I definitely wasn’t one until I tried this overnight preparation. There’s something irresistibly creamy about the consistency of these versus boiled oatmeal, and I’ve found my palate prefers breakfast oats cold. This recipe also takes the joy of the world’s greatest cereal flavor and puts it into an extremely healthy package, as long as you use whole oats, not instant. Whole grain oats, including steel cut, are not low carb, but they are heavy in fiber and beta-glucan, which gives them one of the healthier nutrition profiles of any traditional breakfast item. They also could not be any easier to make and enjoy. The undeniable beauty of overnight oats is that the combinations are endless. Combine oats and milk at a 1-to-1 ratio, add a little flavor and whatever sweetener you prefer, and you can’t go wrong.

For this version, add about 3/4 cup of cinnamon toast cereal to a hefty Ziplock bag and hit with something hard and flat until mostly pulverized. Dried cereal should equal roughly ¼ cup of powder. If it’s a little more, you probably won’t regret it. Combine all ingredients into a mason jar or other tightly sealed container and mix vigorously. Store overnight in the refrigerator. Serve by topping with a sprinkling of some un-pulverized cereal.

I Heart RVing Pro Tip:

Switch out the cereal for peanut butter and jelly, brown sugar and cinnamon, or even chocolate chips and blueberries for an almost foolproof breakfast dish with nearly endless potential flavors.


  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats (you can use steel cut, but they don’t have the same creamy texture)
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon honey or other sweetener
  • ¼ cup (or more) cinnamon toast cereal, pulverized


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