From the pages of I RVing: Summer Special 2024

Fire Side Safety For Rvers Keeping the Flame Friendly

Whether you’re heading to the high country, a picturesque waterfront campsite, or basking beneath wide-open spaces with never-ending stars, as the sun drops low and the temperatures drop, you may start feeling the call of a warming fire. The crackling logs and glow of dancing flames create the perfect environment to find peace, fully relax, and build lasting memories with family and friends. Of course, fires can quickly go from friendly to dangerous. So, it’s essential to be prepared to prevent any potential fire hazards. Here are some of the crucial fire safety types to keep you, your family, and your RV safe as you create cozy fireside memories.

RV Fire Statistics Sounding the Alarm

Did you know that every year, approximately 20,000 RV fires are reported in the U.S. alone? Fires can be caused by various factors. And many of them are preventable with proper awareness and precautions.

The most common causes of RV fires include:

• Electronic issues, such as faulty wiring or overloaded circuits
• Leaking propane, which is highly flammable
• Cooking accidents, often due to unattended stoves or grills
• Engine malfunctions, such as overheating or fuel leaks that ignite
• Camp mishaps, such as improperly managed campfires that quickly get out of control!

Fighting Fire Risks: 4 Safety Tips for RVers

Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to ensure your campsite experiences stay safe and enjoyable.

1 Know Where You Are and How to Report an Emergency

As you’re setting up camp, take note of your exact location (e.g., campground and campsite number). If there is an emergency, you’ll need to pinpoint your location for first responders. Make sure you know where the campground map is and that everyone in your party knows the name of the site and has access to the address and emergency contact numbers.

2 Make Fire Drills a Family Affair

Especially if you have young children, practicing fire drills can help ensure everyone knows what to do if there is an emergency. Focus on fun and education rather than instilling fear. This could
include taking a big breath so you can respond calmly in case of a fire, how to use any emergency exits, and then setting a safe meeting space outside the RV. Don’t forget your pets in your fire safety plans. Ensure they have a spot to retreat in case of an emergency and how to get to them quickly if need be. Adding some pet essentials (such as food, water, and a leash) to your emergency grab bag is also a good idea.

3 Extinguish All Fires Properly

The most important part of a safe campfire is ensuring it never gets out of control or is left unattended. And when you’re ready to go in for the night or move on to the next destination, ensure any fire is completely out. That is, douse any flames or hot coals with water, and then stir the ashes, making sure they’re cool to the touch before you pack up and leave. This can prevent hidden embers from reigniting.

4 Ensure Fire Extinguishers Are Accessible

Whether you’re cooking inside or out, setting up camp or packing out, it’s always important to know where your extinguishers are and have them at the ready. It’s also important to understand how to use them. Please don’t wait to read the instructions until you actually need them. Refamiliarize yourself with the how at least once a year. Then, store them in easy-toreach spots, such as near the kitchen or the main exit. Fire extinguishers also expire. So, check before your next journey to ensure they’re within date and still able to do the job. Getting into nature in your RV is one of the best ways to leave your worries behind. A cozy campfire is just part of the recipe for relaxation. And with these simple safety tips, you can ensure your adventures stay safe as well as fun.


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